31 Mar 2018 12:23:21
Wow folks, for anyone on the fence thinking about sea of thieves- I would strongly urge you to hop back on to the land with the rest of us landlubbers. I played it with my better half last night. We gave it our best but both our copies are being traded in today. When the developers proudly declared they wanted players to be "bored for long stretches" you should be wary. It's beautiful to look at (really stunning in fairness and the sea deserves awards) and I saw few bugs but it really is unforgivably boring. Which to me is the cardinal crime in any game. Waifer thin gameplay and just not the pirate simulator we've all craved. I would imagine there will be quite a price drop in the coming months. Perhaps if rare continue development in the next year, it'll improve but as of now, it's a spectacular looking demo and little more.

1.) 16 Apr 2018
16 Apr 2018 14:37:47
I played the alpha and I was bored within an hour. I hoped they would add enough stuff to make it fun, but that wasn't the case. Another No Man's Sky disappointment if you ask me.