13 Mar 2020 16:24:10
With Doom Eternal just 7 days away, I thought I'd share a theory.

Doom Slayer / The Slayer / Doom Guy / The Doom Marine, is the Emperor of Man in Warhammer 40k, and the Doom games are his origins story. Here is why I think this.

- He has been bestowed "Terrible power" by the Seraphim.
- He fights against Daemons(Chaos army)
- He is the only one they fear.
- His Praetor suit is a precurser to Space Marine armour(shoulder cannon and retractable blade).
- He has a strong liking for heavy weapons and chainsaws.
- He has walked through the Dark Realm(The Warp).
- He was the leader of the 'Night Sentinels'(AKA the Grey Knights)
-He is the saviour of Humanity.
- And finally, let's be real here... Doom Slayer is arguably the only video game character from outside of Warhammer, that could have an impact on that universe. He is a massively overpowered character that has no equal in his own game, even his enemies are terrified of him.

1.) 24 Mar 2020
24 Mar 2020 15:54:25
This is such a good theory!!! I wish we had more 40K video games, loved space marine but I'm pretty sure they shut the servers down :(