26 Jun 2018 16:34:30
For Ed007, Fifa tournament.

{Ed007's Note - Cheers buddy. I deleted your gamertag for your own privacy. I'll get everyone that's entering to drop me an e-mail at ed007@live.co.uk with their gamertag.
Meanwhile get your thinking caps on about, how it'll run... 38 matches at one a week or 38 matches between 1st October (FIFA 19's out on September 28) and May 31st so you'll get some midweek matches? Will we use our gamertags, site logins or a made up team name in the games table etc....
So any ideas get them fired in.}

1.) 27 Jun 2018
26 Jun 2018 20:07:08
You should set up a twitch channel to broadcast some games,then as long as at least one person is streaming it the channel you create can host the person for the game keeping all the streamed games one 1 channel

{Ed007's Note - I've already set up a Twitch and Youtube page, Bill. Now I just need to get used to the set up and using streamlabs but I'm getting there.}

2.) 27 Jun 2018
27 Jun 2018 04:43:18
Play it up till christmas? ( hopefully a nice oressie of Fifa 19 then lol )

I’m guessing that's 38 games per player ( H & A) and not just 38 games altogether? If so 2 games a week for 19 weeks or 3 for just over 12 weeks

Will their be 2 platform leagues? It will be hard to play against someone on xbox if i was ps4 or can it be done on a private server?

Also if players made a twitch account then they could live strem the games for others to watch on ( get some homework on the opponent really ) would be cool.

{Ed007's Note - I've set up a Twitch and Youtube page to host the streams of games for those that want to do that.}